How Software Integrations Can Create Positive Customer Experiences

In an omni-channel world, creating positive, memorable and consistent customer experiences are no longer a nice-to-have — it’s a must-have.

This requires marrying online and offline experiences, aligning activities of different teams towards a common goal and sharing the same context (data) throughout the customer journey.

One of the best ways to start building a customer experience strategy — for your agency or your clients — is by mapping every interaction a prospect and customer would experience throughout the customer journey.

Becoming a unified business is all about connecting systems and creating consistent customer experiences. A practical and achievable way of creating positive customer experiences is to integrate different software to a centralised platform such as HubSpot. Read on to learn how software integrations can help your agency and clients grow better!

Start By Mapping The Customer Journey

Using the Awareness, Consideration and Decision funnel we are all familiar with, consider mapping the various points of the customer journey and identifying the disconnects throughout the customer experience.

This includes website, inbound and outbound calls, online ads, live chat, event booths, customer on-boarding, payment process, sales process, proposal approval, in-person meetings, in-store experience, customer report or feedback process, text messaging, social media and much more.

Plus, it helps to ensure you are collaborating with other business functions or departments — way beyond just the customer-facing roles.

Benefit 1: Work Together, Not In Silos

You may have multiple systems, departments and processes but remember, the customer only has one experience and they expect a good one!

Integrating the different softwares in one centralised platform means different teams can better share knowledge and context about the contact. By creating a closed-loop feedback system, you can proactively improve the experience based on informed decisions and keep the flywheel spinning in the same direction.

Benefit 2: Better & Cleaner Data

In an effort to create more connected and seamless experiences, integrating your tech stack to the HubSpot CRM is a great first step. By collecting the necessary information and centralising your data sources, you are laying the necessary foundations for more contextual conversations.

With more context comes more relevant recommendations, more informed customer service and better timing.

Just imagine being able to see every interaction your prospect and customer had with your marketing activities, sales conversations, live chat messages, customer support questions all in one platform and using these insights to strategically create remarkable customer experiences.

It’s time for agencies to help businesses take personalisation to a whole new level!

Benefit 3: Personalise, Personalise, Personalise

In a “What’s In It For Me” world, customers don’t want — or dare I say are intolerant to — generic solutions and mediocre customer service.

If you’re a HubSpot user and love using personalisation tokens in your marketing collateral, you will love the PandaDoc and HubSpot integration. It works in a similar fashion where you will be dynamically populating information using HubSpot data but inside documents, quotes, proposals and contracts.

Some of the key benefits (but not limited to) are making no spelling mistakes, spending less time manually keying in crucial data into your documents, and speeding up the proposal creation process by automatically filling data into quotes using HubSpot products. Whether it’s for your agency or your clients’ business, such technology integrations can help you achieve personalisation at scale.

Sales is personal, so make it personal!

Benefit 4: Consistency Is Key

A sure and easy way of maintaining trust which you’ve earned and built over time is by being consistent. That is, being consistent in branding, communication, customer service and the delivery of service.

Executing a customer experience strategy is like conducting an orchestra of different musical instruments. If the instruments are not coordinating with each other and not in sync (despite each instrument performing well on its own), the audience is not going to enjoy it.

At INBOUND19, Brian Halligan talked about how important it is that B2B and B2C businesses become Experience Disruptors and focus on achieving Experience-Market Fit. Besides being customer-obsessed, the other common denominator that Experience Disruptors have is consistency.

Benefit 5: Close Sales Faster

When your customers are ready to buy — please, let them buy!

Using sales enabling tools such as Stripe and DepositFix means marketers and salespeople can create HubSpot landing pages and collect payments right away. No need for heavy development work slowing marketing and sales process anymore!

Proposals are an important and necessary element of a sales process but let’s be honest, they take time to create, edit and go through multiple approvers. Proposal software like PandaDoc can tremendously assist the sales process by sending reminders, getting insight into how long prospects spend on the proposal, being notified when documents are viewed and rotating between different approvers automatically. Very helpful to avoid things slipping through the cracks, which again strengthens the customer’s experience!

If you’re offering sales enablement as a service, learn how you can add more value to your customers using PandaDoc.

If there’s one thing to takeaway, it’s this: How you sell, is how you win.

You’re only an arms-reach away from reaping the benefits of positive and consistent customer experiences!

Originally published at



Alyssa Yap (Director @ Gather ’n’ Grow)

HubSpot Certified & Helping Businesses Grow With RevOps, Google Ads & Inbound Marketing and Sales. #CustomerExperience #SaaS #B2B